Thursday, 12 July 2007

Awful story

A friend recounts an incident involving his drunk friend Chris.

Chris is smashed and runs into the club toilet, bursting in the first available cubicle in order to puke. Such is his state that he doesn't immediately register the presence of a big man having a shit on the toilet. The vomit flies all over the fellow.

Chris sees this guy's face turn beetroot as he looks at Chris, down at the vomit on his lap, and up again. In blind panic, Chris punches him in the face and runs for it.

Poor victim; what must he have thought? His life probably changed in some way...


Anonymous said...

Oh hell. I think we might know the same Chris...

London Bachelor said...

you serious?

were i not concerned for the impact of the story i would have owned he was a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend whose name probably isn't chris!

Anonymous said...

Huh. Well the guy I know IS a friend and IS called Chris. I just hope there aren't two of them stupid enough...

fake adult said...

Funniest story all week!