Monday, 7 May 2007

The Weekend

Friday: Flatmate's gig. Well - a girl tried to get me dancing with her! But she didn't look too good and I straight-batted. Twice this happened, and in front of her complicit friends. I empathised because I embarrass myself in that way frequently. And us male beggars can hardly be choosers, can we?

Saturday: Friend's girlfriend's birthday party. No girls. Declined MDMA in anticipation of ....

Sunday: Early start, walked along the course of the river F1eet, from Highgate to Blackfriars. You can peer down at it from time to time through storm drains. It reaches the Thames beneath Blackfriars Bridge, ignominiously, via a spout.

Monday: Nerded away at my website. Watched This is England - OK if violent.


zuzula said...

ah, you heartbreaker ;)

London Bachelor said...

hehe, i think more just a muppet who's scared of girls!

Anonymous said...

Considerably better than mine, by the sounds of things!

London Bachelor said...

but really? never a dull moment in edinburgh from what i hear...

fuzzy logic said...

Don't worry, I'm scared of girls too.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. It's been nothing but the EU's CFSP and international terrorism here at the moment. Bloody exams. All change as of tomorrow, though!