Thursday, 21 June 2007


The exuberance of my where-shall-we-meet email appeared to have frightened Blonde Brainbox off our evening drink, gladly planned last friday over the phone:

"Can we do lunch on Thursday instead - I know it's not as exciting but things are getting mega stressful before my trip."

With leaden heart I said OK - lunch sounds great, how about Wagamama?

And she never replied!

I know girls get certain behavioral privileges, but really? Whatever happened to "something's come up can we do it another time"? Perhaps that's just as rubbish, I dunno.


Anonymous said...

Urgh. I apologise for my species.

That said, that's not an unknown tactic amongst the boys, too. Why is nothing ever easy?!

(And we get behavioural privileges? Such as...?)

fuzzy logic said...

Yup - would have to agree with Hannah - this is quite a common tactic amongst the not-so-fairer sex.

Firmer decision making for me, by my date, is always a turn-on. If she doesn't like it, she can always suggest something else.

zuzula said...

hmm, that is annoying. it's okay when you're the one doing it but not when you're at the receiving end!

An old flame of mine has been doing the same thing repeatedly (will i never learn?). Then I found out today that he's not even single (the joys of Facebook). Now THAT is out of order...

London Bachelor said...

hannah - no need to apologise, girls and boys are equally wrong, as you say.

f-log - thanks, next time i'll brook no dissent with my choice of venue.

zu - yeah would be good if people thought a bit more vis a vis fucking with others' heads.

AlphaChick said...

Definitely try the bossy approach. 'See you at Wagamama' would have done it for me ... That never fails with me. I think because I am quite bossy, when a man bosses me around I find it quite irresistable.