Sunday, 29 April 2007

Masturbation Offsets & Porn Blockers

I have downloaded my final online porn video, thanks to a Christian company that puts smut irreversably beyond one's reach. The company was founded by a man called Ned who claims his business proves that "what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn to the good for those that love Him". Hmm well I'm not really sure about that Ned but thanks for providing the service.

In an accompanying gesture I made a £250 donation to Women's Aid.

And thus, hopefully:
  • 1 small step for the emotional toddler
  • 2 small steps for womankind


zuzula said...

That doesn't sound like cheap porn to me! Glad to hear you're a consumer with a conscience though. The emotional toddler is wise beyond his years ;)

London Bachelor said...

Thanks - have been digging your tales of London-based degeneracy, see you about if i manage to keep this thing going for more than 5 mins!

zuzula said...

I hope you do keep it up - you've definitely got off to a good start! a blog after my own heart...

Katie Possum said...

ooooh, definite money-making scheme - guilt free porn! Watch porn, make donation, feel good in two very different ways :)

I'm going to be rich!