Wednesday 13 February 2008

Pizza Express

There were four of us queueing at Pizza Express tonight: a couple, me, and a man in his forties.

We were: Leroy, a West Indian human rights lawyer who knew Imran Kahn and Clive Stafford-Smith; Steve, a half-Chinese dentist who once got robbed at gunpoint by a patient; Flutura, an Albanian accountant who mostly kept to herself; and me.

I know this because, when it emerged there was just one large table available, Flutura had suggested we all ate together. The waitress thought we were crazy but we had a nice time, then the couple went home and Leroy and I went to see There Will be Blood - in different local cinemas.

Then I bumped into Leroy on the bus home. We both agreed the film was disappointing. I recommended he saw the Diving Bell and the Butterfly, he that I should try the Kite Runner. And I have his card and am to drop him a line should I ever decide to pursue a more meaningful career.

Back home there were two theatre tickets through the post, for Happy Now? in April. My task now is to find someone for ticket no 2.


Ms. Wino said...

Kite Runner was quite good. Haven't been in the mood for There Will be Blood. It seems kinda dark.

London Bachelor said...

Good acting by D Day Lewis, but I like a good plot. Thought the Kite Runner was quite a nice book; will prob see the film on DVD...

Anonymous said...

May I recommend Juno? Far better than I was anticipating.

London Bachelor said...

It's next on my list. I hate romcoms but sounds like this is an exception!